Mike Kelly On the Issues

Mike Kelly was elected to Congress in 2011. He has represented the 16th District since 2019 (prior to redistricting he represented many of the same communities, then in PA’s 3rd District). Unfortunately, he does not represent the values and priorities of our community.

Time and again, Mike Kelly has sided with extreme right wing interests who put the future of our country at risk. After eleven years in office, Mike Kelly has failed to support our communities and his constituents and it’s time for a change.

So what does Mike Kelly stand on the issues?

Representative Kelly opposes taxing businesses, consumer protection, funding education, environmental protection, financial sector regulation, gun control, humane immigration policy, labor rights and wages, LGBTQ rights, avoiding default, poverty amelioration, racial equality, increasing revenues, taxing the wealthy, countering Russian interference in our democracy, a robust safety net, women's rights.

BUT he supports big business, hawkish foreign policy, taxing the middle class, military spending, domestic surveillance.

(source: politicsthatwork.com)
